HelloFresh Campaign
With this project, we were focusing on a seniorconsumer. The brand was looking to increase their consumer base by appealing to this audience. In order to best reach this demographic, we saw fit to focus on print, film, and Facebook. The main idea of the campaign was “Get excited about life again,” being that research told us that many people in this target were feeling uninspired in life, extending to the kitchen.

Out-of-home: This ad is to show that there is an easy solution to fixing the everyday, boring meals. HelloFresh adds vibrancy and fun to mealtime again. This concept could be translated to other platforms (ie: short video, social media, etc.)

Facebook: The goal of this advertisement is to appeal to the idea that HelloFresh can help bring excitement back into the kitchen. It is expected that parents who no longer have to cook for a whole family may lose motivation when it comes to cooking, but HelloFresh can help fix that.
Storyboard for HelloFresh TV Spot: This story is all about emphasizing that HelloFresh brings excitement back into your life even after it seems dull. The story follows a family who was never very close because it was clear that the parents were not happy. However, after the kids left for college, the parents decided it was time for something new in their life, that thing being HelloFresh. *includes link to script